
249 Thuy Khue, Hà Nội

Company Size: 10-24

Company type: Product

GotIt, send a gift to anyone at anytime, instantly!

At GotIt! we’ve built an on-demand service creatively.

It is a marketplace for expertise, based on a messaging platform. As a service, we can offer a guarantee: chat with an expert, right now! We match you within seconds for a 10 minute chat session.

Today we are live with hundreds of thousands of “aha moments” occurring monthly, and we’re pretty excited about how efficiently this free market works.

We really need to hire amazing people. With the addition of key individuals, we are poised to get this technology into the hands of everyone needing interactive learning “aha” moments – and that encompasses a lot of us. The enormity of the opportunity and potential reach of what we’re creating is what motivates us. Plus it’s a lot of fun working at GotIt!

Join us: we’re hiring the intellectually curious to join our team of builders, thinkers, operators creating a tangible, meaningful footprint in the world.