Hapulico Building, 1 Nguyen Huy Tuong, Hà Nội
Company Size: 25-99
Company type: Outsourcing

Công Ty CP Giải Pháp Và Dịch Vụ Phần Mềm Nam Việt - Navisoft, a leading software services and solutions provider in the country and the region in the fields of finance, banking and securities.

At Navisoft, our working motto is to conquer & engage customers through quality.

Becoming a leading software services and solutions provider in the country and the region in the fields of finance, banking and securities. Based on the understanding of customer needs and application of modern technology to enhance the competitiveness of products.
- To increase constantly enterprise value as well as the development of IT through the quality products with practicality, applicability and reasonable cost.
- To build business culture and link the benefits of each individual to the company, link the benefits of company to society and the community.
- Navisoft has a high opinion of our responsibility and each member in the Vietnam business community, committed to contribute to the development of the community.