CADDi Vietnam

SOHUDE Tower, 331 Nguyen Trong Tuyen, TP Hồ Chí Minh

Company Size: 10-24

Company type: Product

CADDi is a manufacturing platform.

We utilize an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time. We are going to create a global and flat infrastructure with which every manufacturer in the world can focus on their area of expertise, perform at their maximum potential.

Our Mission

Many manufacturers and their suppliers are unable to fully demonstrate their development potential and technological capabilities because they are hindered by quotations and administrative tasks, as well as a lack of sales force and information. Our mission is to remove those restrictions in various aspects of the industry and unleash each company’s potential to the fullest.

Our Service

  • Processed Product Manufacturing Services: Consolidate partner fabrication companies to manufacture and provide a variety of fabricated products, including sheet metal, cutting, canning, and resin products. 
  • Drawing Management System: Provide cloud software that automatically analyzes and manages 2D drawings, cost reduction, order optimization, and standardized design.