Công ty CP Ði Chung

165 Thai Ha, Hà Nội

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Product

Đi chung is a social enterprise that runs a rideshare application on online and mobile platforms.

On these platforms, members can share (buy and sell) space on their vehicles, thereby saving money, reducing traffic jams and protecting the environment.

We are very proud to be one of the first Vietnamese Social Enterprises to be awarded the SEED Award for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development by the United Nations (http://www.seedinit.org/awards/all. Html) and supported by the Center for Community Initiatives (http://www.csip.vn/en/csip-social-enterprises/doanh-nghiep-xa-hoi-dichungvn)

Our services:

Dichung.vn: rideshare service for private car

Dichungtaxi.com: rideshare service for taxi

Gheptour.vn: rideshare service for travelling