
Udic Complex, N04, Hoang Dao Thuy, Hà Nội

Company Size: 10-24

Company type: Product

Dtravel is a decentralized platform for the home-sharing economy.

Dtravel facilitates accommodation discovery, booking, and payments. Dtravel users can make payments with both traditional currencies and popular cryptocurrencies, including TRVL, that will be the native utility token of the Dtravel network.

Within the Dtravel ecosystem, TRVL can be used for payments, incentives and rewards, participation in Dtravel DAO governance, and to provide liquidity to decentralized exchanges for rewards.

The vision of Dtravel is to become a decentralized and community-owned and governed travel booking network. To achieve this, Dtravel will establish a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) composed of TRVL token holders — including hosts and guests — known as the Dtravel DAO.