Grooo International

Hoang Ngoc Building, Duy Tan, Hà Nội

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Product

Grooo International, more passion, more success.

We are the Grooo International JSC, a company invested by Grooo Corporation of Japan. Our goal is to become the leading brand in quality and technology in the Japanese outsourcing market, with 500 employees by 2020.

To accomplish our goal, we strive to create the ideal working environment for IT professionals with a professional, creative, and competitive IT process. At the same time we provide attractive incentives so that the best people can contribute the best. Our 08 core values ​​that we build together, creating the characteristic culture of Grooo that is: trust each other - Bring practical value to customers - Energetic - Master technology - Always learning - Bringing value to society - One for all and all for one - Strong and stable finance.