KMS Solutions

2 Tan Vien, TP Hồ Chí Minh

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Product

KMS Solutions is designated to APAC to help enterprises digitize their business.

Our Story

As an extended arm of KMS Group, KMS Solutions is designated to APAC to help enterprises digitize their business and compete more capably—proven by world-class digital capabilities and a wide network of world-leading software partners.

Our Mission

We spread innovative and transformative technologies that aspire businesses in APAC to embrace the Digital Enterprise.

We need your talent

At KMS Solutions, you are free to create transformative values–for your personal career and the clients’ businesses. As we grow, we earn so many opportunities along the way, and yet we have so few people to share them with. There is no limit to the opportunities you can tap when working as a part of KMS Solutions. And we need your talents to make the most out of them.