Logix Technology

Master Building, 41-43 Tran Cao Van, TP Hồ Chí Minh

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Outsourcing

Logix Technology are a young, energetic and eager product & IT outsourcing company.

We are the one team the one spirit to make you all satisfy.
We are proud of how we keep open to new ideas daily and enthusiastic about technology innovations. We are not alone – we well leverage business and technology workforce in-house. We dream big but also are very realistic on the goal ahead.
Our product is a SAAS Retail Coordination Platform. Our goal is to incrementally build and deliver a platform that to sort out the retailing sectors in Vietnam market. It’s a market game changer, not a follower.
Our core customers are in Vietnam. No, this doesn't mean we aim only in Vietnam! Our goal has always been to build something for the regional market.