Minerva Technology Solutions

197 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, TP Hồ Chí Minh

Company Size: 10-24

Company type: Product

Minerva is built and developed with leading international experts in the fields of IoT, GIS, Machine Learning and Biology.

Change is coming faster today than ever before and companies must adapt or die. All business executives worry about change, but executives of technolgy companies - positioned as you are at the forefront of change - must be especially cognizant of teh forces driving changes in your world. We view the following eight technolgies as teh most disruptive to business today: Artificial intelligence, Augmented reality/Virtual reality, Blockchain, Drones, Internet of Things (IoT), Robots, 3D Printing. From strategy development to transormation execution, MINERVA can help you determine the right course of action, whether it's new revenue streams, lowering costs or developing new business models.