Titan Technology Corporation

Tuoi Tre Building, 60A Hoang Van Thu, TP Hồ Chí Minh

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Outsourcing

Titan Technology is a software outsourcing company.

Titan Technology is a software outsourcing company that delivers leading solutions for foreign clients in many domains and industries. With comprehensive knowledge and experience of software development, combined with offshore cost benefits, we are able to deliver high-quality development services by minimizing costs and maximizing benefits to our clients. Founded on trust and an experienced, professional team, we have big ambitions through our vision and mission to provide the best service to our clients. 

Thru’ motto “Inspire Your Work“, Titan Technology Corporation creates an environment where people bring inspiration to what they are doing. We always care about individuals with the ultimate goal “to bring the best benefits to employees” like our vision “Titan, the place where people want to work.” The environment is built based on the idea of “share responsibilities and share benefits” where all employees can contribute to the company by their responsibilities, accountabilities, and commitment.