157 Vo Thi Sau, TP Hồ Chí Minh
Company Size: 25-99
Company type: Outsourcing

4xLabs is a fintech start-up and develops cloud-based services addressing the needs of all players in the often overlooked cash exchange market.

For money changers, our one-stop suite of services, Biz4x (https://biz4x.com), improves topline, by helping them acquire new business, optimize their price setting, and scale their business; as well as bottom line, by improving efficiency, managing cost of stock, and facilitating compliance risk management.

Through Biz4x, money changers can list their business and cash exchange rates on a directory called Get4x (https://get4x.com) to access new customers. With Get4x, travelers can search for licensed money changers offering the best rates nearby for greater transparency, convenience, and security.