Le Van Luong, Hà Nội
Company Size: 10-24
Company type: Product

Damda Co., Ltd is a Global D2C (B2b2C) Platform.

Damda facilitates global distribution by directly connecting "suppliers" and "people" from all over the world, decentralized via SNS.

Currently, both offline and online distributions are getting more and more challenging. Damda aims for a symbiotic ecosystem that promotes cooperation while maintaining the essence of business rather than unreasonable competition.

"Damda people" can open their exclusive stores on Damda platform free of charge without any capital, inventory, operating personnel, delivery service, or at any risks. In addition, 'Damda people" can select various products worldwide and sell them in their own stores easily and conveniently.

Through Damda platform, suppliers meet sellers and enter the global market while conducting marketing campaigns worldwide. Moreover, suppliers have the opportunities to grow into a strong brand by securing potential customers, increasing sales, managing product prices, and maintaining brand positioning all via ONE platform.