Precio Fishbone Vietnam-big-image
Precio Fishbone Vietnam
Pjico Tower, 186 Dien Bien Phu, TP Hồ Chí Minh
Company Size: 100-499
Company type: Product

Precio Fishbone is an IT company and a Microsoft expert solution provider

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Precio is focused on providing capabilities within high-end software projects and delivering services ranging from feasibility studies to development, deployment and application management. Precio is a well-recognized company in Office365 and Azure environment due to our long experience working with solutions built on the Office365 and Azure platforms. Precio is one of the top players within the competence areas of Cloud Solutions, SharePoint, Integration, Custom Development and Business Intelligence.

With an expert profile and more than 200 employees Precio is a “Certified Gold Partner” to Microsoft since many years. Precio has wide experience from projects involving multiple cultures such as India and Latvia, now Precio has established a Center of Excellence for Office365 and Azure solutions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.