E-Town 2, 364 Cong Hoa, TP Hồ Chí Minh
Company Size: 25-99
Company type: Product

Template.net is a global platform for templates, graphic designs & documents.

Template.net has over 100 Million users worldwide and growing! We create Beautiful Designs, Professional Content, and Powerful Technology.

We are a Dedicated Global Team of Coders, Artists, Designers, Lawyers, Marketers, and Writers. We are working toward the goal of getting work done Faster and Smarter wherever you are in the world.

We are excited to begin operations in Ho Chi Minh City and are looking to build a smart team that will be building the Future of our product!

Our Offices are in India, Singapore, Philippines with around 300 Employees. To expanse the business, we are looking for talents for the Vietnam Office with attractive salary and benefits.